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  • Writer's pictureRachel Caton

ALBUM REVIEW: Welcome To Your New Normal

I am making my second entry in this journalism arena, and this time it is for a complete album in celebration of the ending of this year. Today, December 7, New York alt-rock outfit For Lack of a Term released their debut album, Welcome To Your New Normal, and this is nothing short of mind-blowing. To me, this is an album that speaks the message “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” and judging from the titles of these tracks that is exactly what I feel. This is going to become my first full-length album review, and with 12 songs total it is a lot--so let’s get to it!

01 – “Dirty Laundry” ft. Lauren West

The first impression I received was the drum-driven force as well as the opening line, which caught my attention instantaneously. For Lack of a Term preaches a lot of truth in these lyrics. A lot of times the world tends to place itself against us and regarding the demons that haunt each of us individually, the past is not easy to forget. The title of this song speaks about having to repeatedly come back from people and/or experiences that have done you wrong as a stronger, wiser, and better individual than you were before. They are communicating in a way that tells you not to let others bring you down to their level. Instead, you tell them to either meet up with your standards or get out of your life for good. Their guest vocalist, Lauren West, compliments Ryan Dempsey’s voice seamlessly on this epic introduction. The guitar and bass are in sync and the drums consistently drive this tune’s message home to the people. This is going to become a crowd favorite because of its strength, as the magnetic anthem is about staying together despite all opposition from the outside world.

02 – “Forward”

From the opening notes, this song makes me feel like I am in the crowd at a NASCAR. “Forward” is an epic-sounding track as well because you are being made to feel like you are encouraged to the point where you, like the cars on the racetrack despite being hit repeatedly, need to continue and keep going against all odds. You should try not to give in to the voice inside your head that says you will not make it. That is the message I received while listening to this exhilarating track. Especially during covid, this is something that we all need to bear in mind.

03 – “Good Day Café”

“Good Day Cafe” gives a straight-up drive to the mall for a coffee with a shopping spree afterward vibe. The way they delivered this song is like you are happy-go-lucky by getting refreshed before going to work, going to eat, or going shopping. I can relate because this is the exact thing that I go through at the mall when I want to go all out and visit people and places when I’m exploring. It will always be a good day for me when I get to travel someplace.

04 – “Always Something”

This song speaks of the fact that no one is responsible for being able to please everyone else. There are always going to be haters everywhere you go, so instead of dwelling on it, wear it as a badge of honor. Go ahead, straighten your crown, and continue with your work because it’s obvious that you are doing something right and they are just jealous because you are standing out. Conor Cullen’s guitar riffs are more progressive with this track compared to the rest.


05 – “Gravity Failing”

This is a song that is speaking about how easy it is to lose trust and how hard it is to gain it back. I have been burned by several people who I trusted immensely and, just like a fire fading into smoke, when that trust is gone, it is gone for good. I have never hated people out of the blue, so if I must tell someone that I hate them then they earned it and it is for good reason. As loyal as I am, because I was betrayed so many times, when I said that I was done, I meant it for the final time. The lyric “I hate the way you made me become” may come off strong, but for me, it is directed at someone who has repetitively betrayed me so much and they’ve become so toxic that there is nothing more to love from that said person. This does not mean to never trust anyone around you, but it does mean to proceed with caution with the remainder of those that you do trust. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If you have someone who consistently gives you a bad feeling when you come around them and they act nice to you, trust your gut and cut them off early. Never take chances with the matters of your heart. Ryan is narrating as an antagonist that is remorseful of his actions, but when he wants to step forward and make it right, it is too late, and he is all alone now.

06 – “Rock Bottom”

Tying into “Failing Gravity” is the shortest track in the album, “Rock Bottom.” This continues from the previous track in the sense that the band made an ingenious move to make the melody sound faster as if to intertwine with the antagonist’s fast-paced memories of past regrets as he is now at the level of what the song title states-- rock bottom, which is, in essence, the point of no return.

07 – “Scrap Man”

This song right here is THE most driving one on the whole album. The band comes together with a thunderous roar of pure rock n roll energy, talking about the fact that they are answering the call to freedom and breaking up with someone toxic to them emotionally while also repeatedly being taken advantage of and used by this individual as well. I have been in that position before and this is one of those anthems that I would be going wild banshee over if they ever performed this live. “Scrap Man” would certainly serve as one heck of a show opener!

08 – “Another Place, Another Time”

The album has slowed down with this track, giving a feeling like you are alone with hot chocolate watching the sunset on your front porch thinking about your past, wishing that your former flame was there and that they were still yours, but either they walked away because you didn’t try or life itself had separated you guys from one another. “Another Place, Another Time” is a very somber and self-reflective kind of tone that the band has taken on for the narrative of the track, saying that in another place and another time-- an alternate universe if you will--everything stays as perfect as the greenest of trees during the summertime. You wish that you could change their mind, but there is truly no chance for it to happen. A reflective ballad that is lyrically profound.

09 – “Jawbreakers” ft. Another Astronaut

This song conveys the message that it is okay to live a life that people around you don’t understand. The clear as day message lets you know how beautiful it is to stand out and make a statement of who you are. The ones who want you to conform to their sense of normality to make themselves feel better instead of encouraging you to live your truth should not be in your life. This track could very much become a crowd favorite because of how relatable the lyrics and theme are. This is our anthem of truth.

10 – “Happy Hour”

“Happy Hour” is about the events before drunken one-night stands. It was hard for me to relate, since to this day when I go to a bar venue I never go beyond two drinks. I have no intention of accidentally hooking up with someone after a bar meeting with too many drinks because I have never gone past my limit of that. That being said, if hookups are your thing and everything is consensual--then go for it, just count me out. As long as consent is shared, that is what is important. I am sure many other people can relate to these lyrics, however. Chris Beairsto takes it away on the drums, exuding an intoxicated tug of war with intense drum fills. While I was not one to relate to the lyrics, I felt the instrumentals were the backbone to telling the story and thoroughly enjoyed them. A theatrical feel of resistance that I can not get enough of.

11 – “I’m Sorry, Did My Back Hurt Your Knife”

This is calling out someone for betraying you one too many times, and so you must give up on the relationship or friendship. That is beyond painful to deal with and once again I have been through that with so many people, that I have had to come back from the depths of despair over. This is a life lesson that everyone needs to listen over. It’s not the stab in the back that kills you, it’s when you turn around and see who’s holding the knife. Anybody who believes lies about you before hearing your side of the story was already looking for a reason to be against you. As a fan, some days I need the music and then other days I need the lyrics. When words fail, music speaks; it is the only common denominator that truly unites us as one. I need the music when I am at my best and when I’m at my worst. After going through a betrayal from someone I trusted so much, then I need the lyrics the most. The title would be me making a comeback to those people like “I made it!”

12 – “Something More Than Human”

The last track of the album and the lyrics of this piece come in so strongly that I am in tears with straight chills. It is a song talking about someone trying to be on the quest to find their true potential in this world. They know they have a destiny, but they don’t know where it will take them and they are at a crossroads between choosing the comfort of what they’ve been surrounded by all along or do daring to follow their desire and defy the odds by creating their path to greatness for the lives that they will soon lead. It reminds us all that we only have one life to live and we need to work on achieving what we were meant to become. Accept people as they are, but place them where they belong. You are the CEO of your life so hire, fire, and promote accordingly. I am in college and am coming into my Sophomore year for Spring of 2022 so, this very much relates to where I am at now. Going after your dreams can be scary, painful, and surreal, but it is also truly worth it. That is the perfect final message of this last song to close out this genuinely amazing work of art. Don’t listen to anyone or anything that says you can’t do something, just go down your path and then do it anyway instead.

I truly believe that the entire band has outdone themselves with this album and that the reception of their fan base will be overwhelmingly warm. This is an album I believe will put them on the map for both national and maybe even international tours. From start to finish, the songs they have on this album should all be played live during separate touring cycles because all these songs are what everyone I am sure has gone through at some point and time. This album, Welcome To Your New Normal from For Lack of a Term is now out on all streaming platforms. This band has officially gained a new fan in me, and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing them come into either Oklahoma or Texas at some point and yes, I WILL be getting my hands on this album at the actual merch booth after the show as well--that is if I don’t purchase it beforehand. This album’s production was cinematically masterful and the lyrical themes from every track were of phenomenal quality.


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