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  • Elle Marche

INTERVIEW: A Chat With MEGG On 'Here For Now'

Power pop-rock artist, MEGG, released a killer ep today titled 'Here For Now.' We have been absolutely obsessed over here at NScene and had the absolute pleasure of speaking to MEGG about her writing inspirations and the details in the making of “Here For Now.”

Where do you draw inspiration from when writing?

Usually, everything I write about comes from my own experiences but sometimes I’ll write a song depending on my mood or what’s bothering me that day or what is making me feel good right before or during a session. I also get a lot of inspiration while I’m on my morning runs or when I’m in the shower! Lyrics & melody seem to fly into my brain while I’m doing those two things but again, the content always revolves around shit I’ve been through or am currently going through.

If you could have coffee with any artist, alive or dead, who would you choose and why? What would be the topic(s) of discussion?

Oh, come on… this is WAY too hard! I think I’d want to grab coffee with MOD SUN & ask him for advice. He’s been in the game for YEARS & is now having his moment in the sun. I like stories like that & I’d love to hear his journey & how he got to where he is now. I'd love to chat with Bradley [Nowell] from Sublime & ask him what he thinks about his music blowing up & some of his songs becoming classics. I’m so curious if he would give a shit, be stoked, or be kinda pissed. I also wanna talk with Britney Spears - I used to have dreams about hanging out with her as a kid & I feel like I owe it to my younger self to spend the day with her! Ugh, I already have other answers for this one swirling in my head so I’m gonna move on from this impossible question!

If you could have any artist, dead or alive, cover a track off 'Here For Now' who would you choose and why? In return, which song would you cover from them?

I think it would be amazing if No Doubt covered SHAMOO & turned it into their signature pop/ska style - kinda like Spiderwebs with the horn section & all that. In return, I’d love to cover the entire Tragic Kingdom album. It’d also be cool to have Remi Wolf do her spin on I Feel Good & in return I’d love to cover Liquor Store & make it my own.

Which song off of 'Here For Now' are you most excited to perform live? Why?

Omg, I cannot WAIT to perform SHAMOO live. When Matias Mora & I wrote it, that was all I could think about - was how fun it was going to be to play live. I think I’m most excited to play that one because it was the first song I wrote after a 5-year hiatus & was the first song I knew for sure that I wanted to be on the EP - it’s also got a lot of meaning behind it for me & it's just a party of a song. I’ll be dedicating it to my dad every time I play it.

What was your favorite part about recording your latest EP?

My favorite part about recording the EP was just being back in the studio. I love the writing & recording process & although it scares the shit out of me, I finally felt like myself again being back. I LOVE tracking vocals too, that’s also a favorite. Also the snacks - I go HAM on studio snacks.

Which part was the most emotionally taxing?

The most emotionally taxing part of making 'Here For Now' was moving through all the emotions I was feeling at the time. I had JUST made the decision to move out of my boyfriend at the time & I’s apartment after 2 & a half years, was living temporarily with a friend & it was just a lot to navigate. I haven't put any new music out in 4 years so brushing through the cobwebs of writing again & processing everything that was going on in my love life was a LOT. I talk a lot about all of that in my song “Change” which was also a bitch of a session. We first dove into my diary and took lyrics straight outta that thing & then Matias put my ass straight in the vocal booth while I was raw & vulnerable & that shit was taaxxxinnggggg. I’m glad we trudged through cuz it’s now one of my favorites & I think writing & releasing it really helped me deal & get through that time.

What do you hope listeners take away from this EP?

I don’t know if I want them to necessarily take anything away from the EP, I think I just want to share where my heart has been over the past 2 years. This EP was in a lot of ways an experimental journey for me to get back to what I love the most - music - & in a lot of ways, helped me find myself again. I stopped apologizing for who I am & really let myself hang all the way out in this EP so I guess if there are any takeaways, it’s to just be yourself. I spent so many years trying to make everyone else happy that I lost sight of who I am & what I want. This EP brought me back to me and I hope it can do the same for the people listening.

You can stream 'Here For Now' on all major streaming platforms. Be sure to read our review for 'Here For Now' while you give the EP a spin!


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